2021 科技論壇 「後疫情時代的數位轉型」
2021 Tech Forum – Digital Transformation in the Post-pandemic Era

根據本會於上個月針對疫情所做的線上意願調查,此次科技技論壇將採取線上會議的方式。Webex 的名額有限, 請大家及早利用以下的連結踴躍報名參加!
» 科技論壇訊息:
時間:11 月6 日 03:00pm~05:30pm PDT
主題:後疫情時代的數位轉型 (Digital Transformation in the Post-pandemic Era)
主講人:Prof, Minjuan Wang, Prof. Yen-Ting Lin, Prof. Stung-Ting Kuo, Dr. Kai-Chien Yang (主講題目請參考海報)
語言: 英文
報名:名額有限,請及早按此連結報名 (限額150人)
聖地牙哥中華科工會 敬上
On November 6th, San Diego Chinese American Science and Engineering Association will be hosting the 2021Technology Forum – Digital Transformation in the Post-Pandemic Era, sponsored by the Science and Technology Division of Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Los Angeles.
In recent years, companies have recognized the importance of Digital Transformation and are vying to carry out technological and organizational reform. In the past year and a half, COVID-19 has dramatically changed people’s life on every aspect. From video conferencing, distance learning, online collaboration, telemedicine, e-commerce, to supply chain logistics management, Digital Transformation has substantially helped everyone and became the key to thrive for many companies. In this post-pandemic era, are you wondering how much Digital Transformation can further improve our life? We have invite several prominent entrepreneur and researchers to share with us their research and views on the future trends of Digital Transformation.
Based on the online survey conducted last month regarding the format of the Forum this year, we will be hosting this year’s Tech Forum online via webex. The number of attendees is limited to 150, so please sign up using the following link as soon as possible.
Date: November 6th, 2021
Time: 3:00pm-5:30pm PDT
Admission: Free
Topic: Digital Transformation in the Post-pandemic Era
Speakers: Prof, Minjuan Wang, Prof. Yen-Ting Lin, Prof. Stung-Ting Kuo, Dr. Kai-Chien Yang (please refer to poster fo the topics)
Language: English
Registration: Please click this link to RSVP (limited to the first 150)
Thank you and look forward to seeing you online,
SDCASEA Committee