SDCASEA Webinar (8/28/2021, 2 pm PDT): Full Stack Edge AI 專題研討會
Albert Liu, Kneron’s founder and CEO, will be giving a talk on Full Stack Edge AI.
劉峻誠為Kneron創辦人暨執行長,於2015年在美國聖地牙哥創辦耐能。自台灣國立成功大學畢業後,獲得美國雷神公司(Raytheon)獎學金和加州大學獎學金,赴美深造,就讀美國加州大學柏克萊、洛杉磯與聖地牙哥分校的共同研究計劃碩博班,之後取得加州大學(UCLA)電子工程博士學位。劉峻誠先後在高通、三星電子研發中心、晨星半導體(MStar)和Wireless Info 等企業擔任不同的研發和管理職務。於高通任職期間,領導研發團隊獲得9個核心技術專利,榮獲公司的ImpaQt研發大獎。
劉峻誠曾受邀在加州大學開授計算機視覺技術與人工智慧講座課程,為清大助理教授,交大與成大客座副教授,也是諸多國際知名學術期刊的技術審稿人,在人工智慧、電腦視覺和影像處理領域擁有超過30餘項國際專利,先後在國際重要期刊發表70餘篇論文,其出版有《深度學習-硬體設計》與《認識人工智慧 第四波工業革命》二書,在國內外受眾多知名大專院校採用,並於2020年榮獲第58屆十大傑出青年與傑出資訊人才獎、2021 電機電子工程師學會達靈頓獎。
Albert Liu
Kneron’s Founder and CEO
Albert Liu, Kneron’s founder and CEO. After graduating from the Taiwan National Cheng Kung University, he got the scholarships from Raytheon and the University of California to join the UC Berkeley/UCLA/UCSD research programs, and then got his PhD in Electrical Engineering from the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA). Before establishing Kneron in San Diego in 2015, He has worked in R&D and management positions in Qualcomm, Samsung Electronics R&D centre, MStar and Wireless Information.
Albert has been invited to give lectures of computer vision technology and artificial intelligence at the University of California, as well as to be a technical reviewer for many internationally renowned academic journals. In addition, Albert owned more than 30 international patents in the areas of artificial intelligence, computer vision and image processing. He has published more than 70 papers in major international journals. In 2020, published Deep Learning – Hardware design. In 2021, published Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 4th Industrial Revolution, and received IEEE TCAS Darlington award.
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